Fleurieu Stars

multicultural night sky tours
and astronomical events

on the Fleurieu Peninsula and elsewhere in SA

Beginning from February 2025; a unique multicultural blend of traditional stargazing and modern astronomy guided by a local expert with a laser pointer and large telescope. Are you looking for an exclusive night sky experience at your venue? An astronomical enhancement to your conference, classroom or school camp, or a special event? All of our equipment is transportable.

Outdoor viewing of the actual sky is Weather Permitting and also requires a suitable telescope location on site. We've already checked out a lot of sites around the Fleurieu Peninsula, and other places in South Australia, during our years running The Backyard Universe.

Alternatively we can do daytime or indoors presentations at your venue. We have a Solar Telescope, specifically designed to safely view the Sun's features, plus a data projector for our large collection of astronomy images. And if the Moon is visible on the day we can look at it too.

All tours and events are by prior booking only and require a deposit. The remaining payment can be made on the day, or invoiced to your school or business, if the weather lets us run your tour. Costs will depend on our travel distance from Yankalilla and the number of people attending. Contact us for a quote.

We'll also need a contact mobile phone number from you, so that we can advise you on the day about the latest weather forecasts at your site. Cloud Forecasting is not reliable until the actual day of your booking.

Contact us
envelope  fs@fleurieustars.au

Our other retirement projects include Australia's total solar eclipses in 2023, 2028, 2030, 2037 and 2038;
and the VicSouth Desert Spring Star Party.

Website copyright © 2024  Fleurieu Stars
ABN 39 946 719 468